BUILDER partner relations

Builder Partner relations

A platform that helps our affiliates track the commissions generated based on the leads they have gathered for us, a proper B2B product






Making the experience

seamless for partners


Building product from 0 to 1

Challenge get the help of third party institutions to gather clients for their offerings; this could be a bank for example. For all the customers this bank gathers for Builder. We give them a commission.

Inorder to make this whole program seemless a digital interface that makes it effortless for our partners was required


A product which works similar to a CRM where partners can share the leads gathered by them and keep track of its process.

Have an advanced commission system where they can recieve payouts and keep track of the potential conversions for the future.

Other features to improve their experience such as a member management system or a support query system & more were included along with this product

Team involved

Primary designer - Myself
Product Manager - Aakash
Higher level stakeholders & a Dev team were involved

Want to know more about this project indepth?

Let’s get on a call and I’ll take you through the live version along side the designs

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Trying to

build a healthy relationship between humans and tech

Trying to

build a healthy relationship between humans and tech